Saturday, October 4, 2008
kim.ahahha unglam in the afternoon i went to bbdc and YAY I PASSED MY FINAL THEORY....EVALUATION.hahahaahhaha.not bad try and i passed!quite happy la.then then..had dinner with parents at some ang mo kio coffeeshop,we had some western food from the stall..charcoal "the flaming chicken".it was not bad!it is somehow similiar to botak jones but the taste of the food is quite different.then then afterthat...father went to fetch kim from nice of my father.after so many years then he knows that actually kim is my good friend.hahahahaaha.then we went to swensen because mother feel like having ice-cream.she says that old people have cravings for ice cream.and its quite a weird combination,my mother and kim.but i think kim can be some aunty killer since he can actually hit off quite well with my weird.