Saturday, October 4, 2008
this is mad dont have to be mad to enter.hahahahahah.STOOOOPID.okay,ytd was a blast.both me and jiajia had eating spree at madjack then to island creamery then to some dessert shop.this is crazy.iam really growing sideways and i hope you will grow just the same wy as me jiajia.HAHAAHAH.all thanks to your island creamery.okay,i agreed to is a total disappointment.i placed such high hopes of madjack..BUT it turn out to be laosai.nvm,i have learnt my mistake.somemore everything is we self service one still must pay them service charge.zzzzz.dont know for what.for letting us watch the suria channel?hahahaha.but island creamery makes me happy again!the ice cream is really good.and i get to taste the burnt caramel flavour,the taste is really special.really know,chao ta?hahahahaha.and whenever i see jiajia or whenever he talks crap,i will just have the urge to roll my eyes.i dont know why.and..thankyou jiajia for the day.hahhahahaha.see i so nice.THANKYOU okay. ya.met kim and paul at cine leisure.its nice to see them even though it is just a few...secs?theres still so many updates i havent hear from them.