Saturday, November 22, 2008
maple darling:D
as usual,my retarded sister:)
family bbq!
my momma
no lay hong again):
so...went to driving this morning.everything went engine stalling,no rolling backwards blah blah blah(:(:then went to maple darling's house for a short while and had free lunch!hahaha.the maid so niceeeee.shes only like 17years old!then went tooooo west coast plaza to meet zai zai and xiu xiu love.yes,as usual..we camwhore..and ya...walk round.chill at starbucks.west coast plaza is really a nice place and it is full of food!
and i dont know whats wrong with my parents.early morning,my mum came into my room and asked me what i want to have for my breakfast/lunch.without opening my eyes, i point point at the table because i already write down what i want to eat on to the piece of paper already.then next is my father,he came in pointing at his newspaper..saying that aiyooooo.should have buy the car last week because COE is only at 2 now..wasted bla bla the time the 3rd person came in,iam already fully awake.
hahahha.but i still think that i have a wonderful family!:D