Sunday, November 2, 2008
this is alot of pictures,seriously.jecindas advance birthday party!
small part of w47J!(:
man in black
look at our mampos face.ahahahahaha.K.O
hafiz with a clear clear mind
kelvin hiding behind the plants with his cirgarette
red nic(:
drunk hafiz.hahahaha
another one
okay went for jecindas party yesterday and yes.we drank liquor.ahhhhhhh.which turns out to be bad bad bad.ahahaha.hafiz was really drunk.damn funny.he keep telling us stories that we couldn't understand and he keep repeating on his stories.then suddenly he will say things like adraaa kedebraaaa.aahahahhaha!so cute right.hafiz can be drunk everyday so that everyday there will be people saying that hes cute.and i think i really suck at drinking,i drank like 4 small cups of liquor + coke,went home and taaadaaaa PUKE.ahahahahaha!and i can finally burp!the burp smells likeeee....alcohol!i wonder whether my fart smells like alcohol anot.cant seem to smell anything.ahahaha.nic's face was damn red too but she really drank alot la.its surprising to know that kelvin dont drink,he just sit down there and laugh at us!
okay i hope jecinda really had fun yesterday(: love love.