Thursday, October 30, 2008
okay it looks all quite the same actually. this picture like very clear huh firdaus.

east coast park!

ohya.our putra here got a very sweeeeeeet smile.FOR EVERY PICTURE IF YOU sweeet.HAHAHAHAHA.

i think this picture quite cool you those YOYOYO kind.

okay.let me introduce to you guys.this are my sem2 classmates.okay like half of the class is present.cute taohan is not there):awww.

NICE RIGHT the background.ask who took this picture one.ME LA OF COURSE.hahahahaha.thankyou thankyou.

okay.nightout/dayout at the arena.okay its too dark for us to let us know what is what.

meimei with her 49bucks tube dress worsxx.SEXY NOT.hahahahaha.HAWT HAWT.


yesyes.its us again.

dont know what she doing la
at simei ite yes with cheeeeeer chong this time(:
sorry to pollute your vision,its us again.white,black,more white.please dont kill me. to sum up everything,iam angry.i havent have enough sleep yet!i want to complain.hahaha.i only had like pathetic 2hrs of sleep today): and now i know how fun clubbing was like for me.its not fun at all ): got all those weird angmohs and something.and yesterday everything was lost for bed,no home,no food(actually have la,sounds more pathetic like that),no warmth,no shelter.just like a homeless kid lost at some clarke quay place.iam glad that i still manage to get home in the bed,got yanni.
east coast park!
ohya.our putra here got a very sweeeeeeet smile.FOR EVERY PICTURE IF YOU sweeet.HAHAHAHAHA.
i think this picture quite cool you those YOYOYO kind.
okay.let me introduce to you guys.this are my sem2 classmates.okay like half of the class is present.cute taohan is not there):awww.
NICE RIGHT the background.ask who took this picture one.ME LA OF COURSE.hahahahaha.thankyou thankyou.
okay.nightout/dayout at the arena.okay its too dark for us to let us know what is what.

meimei with her 49bucks tube dress worsxx.SEXY NOT.hahahahaha.HAWT HAWT.


yesyes.its us again.

dont know what she doing la to sum up everything,iam angry.i havent have enough sleep yet!i want to complain.hahaha.i only had like pathetic 2hrs of sleep today): and now i know how fun clubbing was like for me.its not fun at all ): got all those weird angmohs and something.and yesterday everything was lost for bed,no home,no food(actually have la,sounds more pathetic like that),no warmth,no shelter.just like a homeless kid lost at some clarke quay place.iam glad that i still manage to get home in the bed,got yanni.
okay then afterthat went for driving lesson.i think the instructor wants to give up on me already.he asked me why i didnt take bad.look down on me!driving lesson was okay this time round. its still so scarrrrry and plus this time round my car went up to the kerb.and my engine keep stalling that makes him go..*(*(&&%^$%^##
okay then headed off to east coast park with classmates.okay la.IAM SORRY THAT IAM FREAKING LATE.sorrrrrrrrry jasper and laifu.stop grumbling already.nothing much,its just like a gathering and ya..cycling.hahaha.thats all.ahhhh.I WANT MY BEAUTY SLEEP.wish me luck for tml's driving lesson.and lastly,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


felicia the nun wannabe

so cool right!this is the original artpiece
but when you step into this red red shelter thing it will become.....
I always love days like this.spending my day with girlfriends is always a happy thing!we went to vivo and yea..did some shopping and i really did spend alot.but the sad thing is not spent on me.ahahahahaha.not bringing atm card can really be a torture to me.see nice things cannot just use card to pay.still have to calculate the price like how much will i be left with and stuff then buy): maybe i should really try to get use to the not having atm card days.see how long i can survive without it.and yes,eversince i went to have my new haircut, my hair have been going curling here and there.AHHH.become kerenting cute.and we really saw alot of alibabas that day!the shirts that the wore are of same design somemore,cute right!touch here and there somemore.
ohya..i went for my first practical lesson today!it was quite fun.i almost killed my instructor.hahahahahaha.he like so scared that i might bang into other cars or something.keep asking me to brake brake brake.but dont worry people.iam fine.see,iam still happily blogging here.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
prata for supper!
this is lay hong trying to act cute
nothing much about was girlfriends day!(:(: went to queks house to play their so call bridge and hearts and okay i suck at it.u know why?because iam just a beginner.we played 1 round for 3 rounds get 1 kosong prata.hahahahaha.i think i going to rot at home today.again): holiday for me is like that.sleep,eat,waste money.