Tuesday, September 2, 2008
at essential brew,a nice place(:

i think i take many many bus rides today.i took 187 back from bbdc then change to bus 185 then took 181 to boon lay interchange then 154 to sunsetway then 61 to hv then 61 back to sunsetway then 61 back to hv then er..185 back to home.ahahahahaha.see how many bus rides alr,lucky i got my bus concession.else i will just die.
okay GOOD NEWS.i passed my BASIC THEORY TEST!like finally.after failing how many times of evaluation.SAY YAYYYYY.ahahahhaa.i won myself a haagen daz too.ahahahaha.DOUBLE YAY.
okay then went to have dinner with maple darling today.finally i get to see her,havent been seeing her for damn long alr like for 1mth+?shes too busy with her friends.no choice.right maple?went to eat and eat and eat.seriously.eating non-stop.iam dead man.my waist growing side ways and my face growing more and more like the shape of a burger.ahhhhhhh.nvm i shall fast with haha soooooon.
and my ipod just hanged.
good job.