Tuesday, August 12, 2008
dada with hafiza's drawing.ahahahha.

look at the hands on her shoulders.its actually dadas one.she says that sylvia cannot put her hands there because shes too black.and it wont look like twins anm.ahahahahahahahaha.

baked all this ytd with xjun.quite successful altho i forget to put in brown sugar.and my mama is damn cute.when i ask her to try,she pluck out those chocolate chips and say that its the chao ta part that she is removing.ahahahaha.CUTE RIGHT.
okay.so today i went to school happily thinking that most of my lovely classmates will come because its the 2nd last day of school alr.BUT so disappointing.only around 6 ppl was in class at 9am.and when everything ended,there are like 11 ppl la.ahahaha.so pathetic.somemore i got bake cookies for them okay!end up all never come i sad alr la.anw mr thomas is damn nice.our lesson ended at ard 3+ i think.and we started to camwhore and stuff.
okay.everyone is emoing right now.somemore is the guys from my class are getting emo.
look at some of their nicks.
you guys makes me feel something i have never felt before.Thanks for the 16weeks! quoted by xiaodi.
ohh.it suddenly dawns on me.tomorrow is the last day with you guys *sad quoted by hafiza.
why can't friends stay together forever? quoted be lucy.
see how sensitive my class guys are.ahahahahaha.PLEASE BE STRONG PEOPLE.i gonna miss all of you!seriously.the laughter,the joy.blahs.and i hope tml we will spend the day together happily!no tears.blahs.ahahaha.iam looking forward to tml okay.cause our class theme will be nerds day out.COOOOL.ahahahahhaa.and iam in deep shit cause i dont know what to wear ,goodbye!